Adventures with Jen....Poor, Traumatized Jen
Ok, I lied. I think I had two days where nothing bad happened, because one of them is below. Thank goodness Jen had a few days of unstressful vacation.
This was actually my first day on the island with her, I believe. So we decided to ease into the outdoors with simple hiking and snorkeling. Well, as it turned out, not so much with the snorkeling.
But the hiking was good. It is the Makapu'u Trail, which is much more populated during the winter months, when you can see lots of whales. But, it also has a good view at the top. So, we spent some time together, just walking the trail.
Right around here somewhere, we left the trail in search of the Dragon's Nostrils, which are a couple of blowholes that are fun to watch. I think we even had a guide book to help us look, and no dice. We ended up kind of sliding down a steep slope looking for it, which is when we called it quits in favor of living to see another day.
Jen and I, Survivors of the Reef. We look like big dorks with those mask rings, but whatevs! We braved the Open Ocean.

Jen ended up treating us to Yardhouse, which I think is a chain they have in CA. It is awesome. I love that place. I had $22 macaroni and cheese, which might horrify some of you, but I'm kind of used to the prices by now. Jennifer loved it! I wish I could bring you some back girl! I think we all need to lobby for one to open in Dallas. Write your Senator. Or something.
But left the car.
We Should Have Just Stayed Home Day
This day was the pinnacle of disaster for the whole trip. drama, people....drama.
So, the original plan was this - some fun snorkeling, followed by a hike out to the point to see seals and the sunset. Then Home.
Well, Court is tagging along on this day, because she is moving soon and wants to see the island one more time before she leaves. However, she has already packed up all her snorkeling gear, so she borrowed David's mask. His fins, however, weren't going to work, so she was going to go barefoot.
We are at this particular beach, because I know that somewhere beneath those waves is a turtle cleaning station, and that is awesome.
Now if I could just remember where it is……
So, we head into the waves. It is a bit of a swim out there, so we've got some time. Jen is doing fine, as always, because she used to swim all the time. Court is having a bit of trouble, since she has no fins. So, I'm staying with her, because I'm more worried about here. Jen can take care of herself, no problem.
However, about halfway out there I looked up to check on Jen, and what I saw was this:
No Jen.
Holy Crap, NO JEN.
My brain proceed to freak out, and completely sever all contact with its logical half. All kinds of issues were flooding in my brain - dragged out to sea, eaten by a shark, oh no, what were all our friends going to say, I killed of Jen on her vacation! Ack.
Naturally, it was a bit wavy, so I was having a really hard time seeing further than 5 feet. I'm not sure how long this period of terror lasted, but it certainly felt like forever. It was probably more like 10 minutes. But still.
At this point, Courtney is tired and might possibly drown. She spotted a yacht with a dingy anchored nearby, and started to swim towards it for a better vantage point. After a bit, I swim after her, because I can't see anything.
I'm almost there when all of a sudden, my face is on fire. Then my hand. What is going on!? I look down, and notice that my hand is covered in tiny blue spots. Hmm, that's not normal… so I reached over and pulled off this nasty jellyfish that is stinging the absolute crap out of me. Maybe I'm a pansy, but my face freaking hurt.
So, when I pull up to the yacht, I don't even recognize that is basically full of male underwear models as I rip my mask off, looking frenzied while I claw at my face, and shriek out, "Do you see her?!" to Court, who is inside the dingy and looking around. Those guys must have thought we were crazy. Well, me, anyways.
After some intent peering, we see someone we think might be her, and head back in. Thank you Jesus (literally) it is her. There is much relief. Jennifer, being an intelligent person, swam back to shore LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO when we were separated. Court and I knew this, but tourists usually don't and since we hadn't had The Talk, I just assumed she didn't either. My logical brain half was probably shouting this at me - too bad I wasn't listening.
So the reunion. I was so relieved, I basically felt sick. There were tears, talking over one another, and a basic feeling of stupidity as I realized how dumb I was. And pain. Now that the adrenaline was dissipating, I was starting to realize that my face and hands were on fire. But basically, relief. Crisis over.
Or not.
Taking a few breaths to calm myself, I watch Court and Jen start to swim towards shore. I reach up to get my mask off my forehead, and…no mask.
David is gonna kill me.
So I raise the alarm. I have no way of looking myself, and I need one of their masks quick, before the current carries my mask (and myself) further away and in opposite directions. Imagine my extreme dismay when I realize they are still swimming to shore.
Court wouldn't give up her mask until she made it to shore. Those 10 minutes I was freaking livid. So mad. To her credit, once Jen got the mask from Court, she was like a missile back to me. It was kind of astounding.
So we began the search, but it was too late. Finding it would be near impossible. I spent half my time desperately praying for the return of my mask. I spent the other half feeling like a materialistic idiot for praying about it. You know how it is. After like 20 minutes of my hope slowing dying a long, painful death, Jen and I called it off. Not wanting the day to be a complete train wreck, Jen asked if we could still try for the turtle cleaning station. That I still wasn't sure where it was. Oh please, let me find this.
Halfway out I see a spot of neon.
It couldn’t be.
Really! Right there, perfectly framed in a blank patch of sand. I nearly blew out my lungs trying to get to it, but I was so excited I didn't care. I was about ready to sign up as a missionary at this point.
There was a minor celebration, and then we continued the search for the turtle station. Jen actually found it pretty quickly, thank goodness. It is fun to watch.
So, in the end, we emerged from the sea, triumphant. Sadly, we are now behind schedule, so lunch at the country club is out the window. We haul ass to the end of the isalnd to begin our hike out to the point.
It's a pretty plain trip out, some shoreline to see, etc.
Here we are on a sea arch:
The three of us at sunset - we made it!
Of course, now we had to hike back in the dark. Those rocks were an exersize in patience. The good news, by now my jellyfish stings were practically gone, and the swelling had gone down. The bad news was my feet had decided to take over in the pain department. I had blisters the size of my ears on my feet. It made the walk back a little slow, and I wasn't very talkative, so I was glad Court was there to keep Jen entertained.
Kayaking Day!
Last Day
This is the only picture we managed on the last day. Jennifer and I were beat from kayaking, and all we wanted was to do was lay on the beach and not move for some time. However, the fates (ahem - Courtney - cough cough) were against us. We did manage for a little while, and even got some snorkeling in - which was perfect timing for the last disaster, when Jen's camera suddenly broke. Sigh. Of course.
So, we ended up staying later than planned, and in an attempt to save some time by skipping the long line at Matsumotos, we tried the nearby Aoki's instead. Bad decision! It was way inferior to Matsumotos. We have learned our lesson.
Thus ended Jennifer's 'vacation'. She probably had to go home and take a vacation from her vacation! I was sad to se her go, but I think I managed not to cry on her when she left. Thanks so much for visitng - it meant the world to me. And I did have the best time with you, even though not everything went to plan. I hope you had some fun too.
Can't wait to see you back in Dallas! At least there is no water there for me to drown/lose you in.
I cannot believe you pulled out the Sprite bottle?!?! Such a long time ago. I love it! Oh Billy...
And did I miss it?! Did you talk about night snorkeling?! Haha! There was so much to talk about, I definitely tried to cram EVERYTHING in. Thanks for humoring me! Anyway, night snorkeling is so fun! My heart was pounding the whole time... Everything is so much scarier at night!!
I actually was laying in bed last night and thought, "I FORGOT THE NIGHT SNORKELING!" I will put it on the other post I have about your vacation, since it wasn't as long. :)
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