Random Garden Shots
I was looking at my blog posts, and realized I never posted this one - Ah, back when things were green....
From Random Points in Time This Summer
Something is up with our carrots. I was mildly disturbed when I started trying to pull these up, but then I remembered that I had to transplant these since they were unable to germinate in our new soil, and it is really hard to get a root he size of a hair strand to replant board-straight. Thus, we got some crazy-looking carrots once those twisty roots started growing up and filling out.
Also, they are so hairy! Ugh.
I think that David thinks our tomato plants don't produce very well, but the truth is that they rarely make it inside the house. In fact, they rarely survive for longer than 5 seconds off the vine. It's usually after I've eaten a plant's worth, seeds dribbling down my chin, that I feel like a rabid dog who won't share, then there's the shame, and then I make myself take them inside to eat later. Or perhaps, go crazy and actually share them with people.
Eh, who am I kidding. Not my tomatoes!
Giant cucumber
Actually, it was the death/mauling of most of our plants, as well as the non-stop rain that was rotting what had managed to stay alive, that made us install the supports you see below. When it's too rainy or cold, we plan on draping the plants with plastic to protect them. Once we actually start getting things we can actually eat, we are going to cover them with nets to protect against those thieving squirrels, those unappreciative jerks. They always take just one bite to assure you have to throw out all your hard work. Someone should teach them about environmental waste and upcycling.
Ok, deep breaths. Squirrels have been eating my tomatoes, and I might have some rage issues.
The garden with supports. The heat-loving stuff is really starting to grow. I think next year I'm going to do a weekly garden picture update. Could be fun.
Our tomato plants are about as tall as I am. It's crazy. As you can see, we are going to have to build a taller support cage to contain their awesomeness.
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