Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010
Merry Christmas! Our first Christmas in our home - you would have thought I'd freak out about it, but it was fairly mild. We didn't even go cut down our own tree this year! Sadness. But I was freaking tired from the semester and working. Christmas #1: We had mom over to our place for some presents and tree decoration.

We were having issues getting a 'natural' shot of us decorating the tree, so per usual, I decided to go for flamboyant.

We had a nice evening eating too much, listening to Dean Martin, and opening presents.

Mom hung out with her granddogs.

Christmas #2: At my Dad's

It's official: we all suck at taking pictures. If Courtney's not around, odds whatever's happening will not be documented.

Fire! Love it.

We got Dad a Wii Fit. I would pay good money to watch Dad use that thing.

Dad sets up his Wii while I try to figure out how to use my new game.

Opening presents! Hi grandmom! It was great to spend the holiday with her.

We had a lovely evening eating, playing games, and relieving Dad of his wine stash. Also, we really need to get a Trivial Pursuit with question cards that were printed after 1872.

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