Our first full week in the house I somehow managed to get completely unpacked even with a new, crazy puppy running around, biting my ankles. Hey, it sounded like a good idea at the time.
So, naturally, since the house was cleanish, it must be time to completely destroy it again!
When we moved to Hawaii, we left behind some of the things that we didn't think we would need, to cut down on the moving expenses. These random items, from cake pans to a kayak, have been living at Corene's house in the meantime. Now, it was finally time to bring them back into the fold of all our other crap that we don't use. Huzzah.
Neither of us could remember how much we left at Corene's, so after checking on U-Haul's pricing for trailers vs moving trucks, we decided trailers were the way to go.
Mild problem - we own a Civic.
So, we needed a new car. Thursday night we bought David's car, which is a Ford SUV. He was very excited because he got a great deal on it, until the second day. At this point he started freaking out about the transmission dropping out of it, which is mildly alarming to me.
In any case, it did not have a towing package. So, I trundled back to U-Haul to inquire how much it would cost to get one installed. Answer? A LOT. I mean, come on! It is just a bar on your car, right!? What the heck. David was not amused, and announced that he would just do it himself. The current time was Friday afternoon, and we'd be leaving to San Antonio in a few hours. I hung up, praying this would not come back and bite us in the ass.
In David's defense, he has shown himself to be oddly handy, taking on and successfully completing projects that he knows absolutely nothing about initially. I remember the first time he announced he was going to 'just do it himself' - it was the brake pads on our cars. I tried to be encouraging, and ignore the visions I had of one of us flying off the parking garage when we tried to leave the next day. But he worked hard, and did a great job. It's really nice having a handy husband.
Anyway, so we left, hitch-less, with the new puppy in tow, in David's new car. Understandably, he was a little nervous. New Puppy + Unblemished Upholstery = Possible Disaster. So....
...Tarps. I turned that place into a puppy palace, because I didn't want Koa go falling down in between the seats every 5 seconds. So, multiple towels, beds, and blankets (in addition to our last line of defense tarps) made the ride comfy for our two doggies.
The only problem with this is that Koa could get to the front seat. At this point, I was still snuggling him to sleep at night, and he wanted to be as close as possible at all times. We just could NOT keep him in the backseat.

We ended up compromising and he feel asleep on the center divider a lot.
We arrived in SA around 2 am, waking up his poor mom, and then it was the Koa Show for a little bit. Corene is gracious even half asleep, and tried to feed us and watched Koa while we were unloading the car. Our pack of dogs proceeded to take over her house much to the terror of her own dog, Gigi. Gigi spent the next few days trying to stay out of the way of the Ridgeback Tornado.
We eventually made it to sleep.

The first morning, Corene took us out to see the new trails the city had put in nearby her house. So we saddled up the dogs and went for a walk, one of Koa's first.

They were beautiful, shady trails through a hilly area, and you could forget that you were still in the city. It was lovely.
Lion King
FamilyAfter this nice diversion, it was getting late and we needed to pick up our reserved trailer.... with a car that had no hitch. Hmm. Thus began the Search for Parts.
What a nightmare. We spent hours driving all over SA, looking for... something. I have no idea what, exactly, I was just along for the ride. We bought the hitch at UHaul, and they said they couldn't install it because we had to get some special electrical something-er-other part they sell exculsively at a Ford Dealership. So we went to Ford, whose parts department has just closed down for the weekend. Thus, we commenced driving aimlessly, looking in Auto Zones and what have you for some kind of wire kit, interspersed with massive bouts of indescisions as to whether David should do it himself, or get it done professionally. Either way, it turned out it was going to be ghetto-rigged, since we couldn't get the part we needed from Ford. Something about splicing wires. Back to U-Haul. Another Auto Zone Parts Whatever Store. Four hours later, I'm in mutiny and just want to go home. I can only amuse myself looking at wiper blades and air fresheners for so long.
We got home, and had a wonderful surprise that just lifted my day. While we were gone, Corene had done a photo shoot of Koa. I just about died.
Have I mentioned how awesome it is having a professional photographer in the family?

I have no idea how she got him to sit still for these things. All of my pictures end up looking like this:

As he immediately gets up from whatever position I've put him in and runs for me. We have lots of blurry pictures of Koa.
After this we had a Corene Dinner. I don't remember what it was, but I remember it was fresh and light, and there was some good bread involved, which is how I remember them. It was lovely, and I missed them while we were away. She is even fun to grocery shop with. We're both easily excited, and buy things we shouldn't. David is usually the voice of reason, but he was at home, agonizing over the car.
Late Sat night, David gave up on the hitch. In the morning, we would surrender to U-Haul and their outlandish labor charges.
Early the next morning, David headed over to Uhaul to make this mess someone else's problem. However, they could not get to our car until around 4 PM! We were going to have a late night packing up and driving home to be back in time for work in the morning. We amused ourselves for the afternoon by staying home and playing with the dogs.
My one non-blurry picture
Corene's picture, of course. I love his little expression - like he is not quite sure he is ok with what's going on.
After all that playing, he conked out with grandmom.

And just about anyone else who happened to be stationary.

We eventually got all of our stuff - most of which was heavy books, to our dismay (well, mine, anyway) packed into the 5x8 trailer. We then packed up the car and dogs as well, said our farewells, and headed off into the sunset around 7 pm.
We didn't get far, though.
I was driving, since I have a lot more trailer experience than David. We had made it maybe 1/8 of a mile when we started hearing noises you don't want to experience when driving a trailer. David thought maybe it was the chains dragging the ground, so he coiled them up and we started out again.
However, the noises didn't cease. So, we decided to turn around and head back to the house to see what was going on.
We never made it.
David spotted it first - the wheel was actually FALLING OFF our VERY FULL trailer stuffed with our worldly possessions. As I was driving, we couldn't help but stare, transfixed and horrified, at the wheel slowly oscillating back and forth on the axle, getting progressively more alarming.
We made it back to Corene's house, but when I tried to back in the trailer it quickly became apparent that that would not be happening. We were going to have to unload it right in the middle of the street.
Really. This was like the worst trial run ever. Mainly because it wasn't supposed to be a trial run.
Unloading began. Each step in the trailer gave me a heart attack - I had visions of the whole thing toppling over and pulling our brand-new bar with it. Once I voiced this opinion, I was quickly told that it was impossible, silly woman. What a relief.
But I was still tense the entire time unloading.

This was not helped by the many motorists trying to pass and giving us dirty looks, because they could not see the bad wheel that was facing the curb, and thus thought were were just too stupid to breathe.

Here I am, directing traffic as the wheel teetered on the brink. Apparently I felt that instructions other than 'Take the boxes out of the trailer' were needed.
Here it is right as we finished unloading. It was hanging on by a prayer. As I was talking to a Uhaul rep and giving her the details, I heard the shout from outside that it had finally fallen off. I was mildly overreacting as I relayed this bit of news, but the customer service rep seemed quite bored. Does this happen often or something?

This man is a hero:
My name is Ford, John Ford.
Not only did he help us load (the first time) he left a dinner with his daughter to help us unload, post-disaster, without us even asking. (He lives in the neighborhood and is a family friend). David and I had to be sneaky and load quickly the next day so he wouldn't spot us and come help - he is too nice, and had done enough already.
He also came up with this idea to get the trailer out of the middle of the road.

If that's not ghetto-fabulous, I don't know what is. Ghetto, but genius! We were able to move it to the side for Uhaul to come pick it up.
Which they did at 1 AM. Of course, we had to be awake to sign some paperwork. And when I say we, I mean David. Coincidentally, this was the night that Koa had his first out-of-cage bedtime experience, as my tolerance level became non-existent.
Corene was great as we bummed her schedule up again, and we were back to HEB for some sushi and alcohol, which was basically a requirement at this point.
In the end, it turned out that they forgot to put the pin in that holds the tire on the axle, or something. I know for sure there was a pin involed, anyway. We were saved by the multiple speed bumps in her neighborhood, which jarred it lose right away. If that had happened on the highway, it would have been a disaster. So it was a blessing, if you look at it sideways.
We got a new trailer the next day, and made it home with no problems.
Once I finally got over the fact my house was full of crap we have no room for, yet again, we began opening boxes.
It was like Christmas in June. Most of the things we came upon had been compeltely frogotten by us. Some things I have been looking forward to repossessing with great joy: my large pasta pot, cake pans, the panini machine. This was balanced things we'd forgotten: various crystal pieces from wedding gifts, our entire china set and a tons of framed pictures from back in the day.
But, it was the little things that truly delighted me: extra sugar pine trees I'd made for some previous project that retained their shape and color and the usable reeds for my saxophone.
Now if I could just find room for all of it.
Things are looking good - by the way where do you get your streaks done girl? I luv em.
This stuff could only happen to you Tiffany! Can't wait to see the new place. It looks amazing in the pictures.
Why doesn't your "Unamused" photo blow up when I click on it? I so want to see your expressions!
I really enjoyed hearing this story again in your blog-speak. You crack me up, girl! You've gotta find a way to make a career of cake-baking and blog-writing, cuz you rock at both.
I preference what you men are almost always up too. This genre of clever career and reporting! Keep up the vast functions guys I' ve added you men to my blogroll, Cheers.
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