Saturday, May 13, 2006

David's Birthday Suprise

David’s birthday this year happened to coincide with his brother John’s graduation from DTS, which was great, because it meant his whole family was in town for the event. Friday night mom and Lew graciously took us out to a great dinner at St. Martin’s – they have this champagne and brie soup that is out of this world. I know it sounds weird, but you should try it. Anyway, they brought his present, of course – however, it was a kayak, so that took a little doing – especially getting through all of the security it take to get to our apartment.

Lew bravely put the car he loves in danger to avoid suspicion. So when David opened the front door, he was surprise to see a sign that said happy birthday strung across the hallway outside out apt, along with balloons, streamers, and a completely wrapped kayak. I could kick myself for not taking a picture. His mom was there as well, and came to dinner with us.
His mom was trying to capture the moment on film in the restaurant, much to her son’s embarrassment. It was wonderful – I think she’s cute, but David had apparently been in the situation quite a few times and it was his mom, and it’s so embarrassing – it made me smile. There are little 13 year olds in all of us – it seems our parents usually bring them out. We had a lovely time, and David had birthday dinner #2 when my dad came up to celebrate with us as well. Thanks to my parents who were so amazingly generous David was actually speechless, which is not something that happens too often.

This picture is of the inaugural kayak use, and Lily was there to supervise, of course. She was none to happy when David suddenly got in this giant banana and took off where she couldn’t follow. I thought she was going to drown trying to reach him. He really enjoyed the quietness of going out on the lake – just one more reason why we love the area we are in.

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