Monday, May 22, 2006

Our First Anniversary

Our First Anniversary! It hardly seems like a year - and what a wonderful year it was. I'm living with a boy! It was a bit of an adjustment, but not much of one - David is an excellent roommate and husband.

I came home from work, and David had cleaned the house, and gone out and bought tons of flowers - there were bouquets everywhere. On the tables, in tiny vases on the wall, my dresser... it was really cute. Then he got me tons of gourmet chocolate (he secretly wants me fat - he brought me tons of chocolates from Belgium one time too.) and some clothes from Banana Republic. The we headed out to the Pyramid Grill downtown - it was fantastic. I strongly recommend going there and trying all their appetizers and desserts. While we were there, David surprised me with another gift... a pair of loose black pearls he had sneaked off to get in Tahiti (they are known for them there) while we were there on our honeymoon. I think I am going to make them into earrings, but I haven't decided yet. It was all very exciting.

We had a nice night, and are looking forward to another great year.

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