Friday, October 26, 2007


Remember how I said trying to find a place to live had been stressing me out? After flipping out on Courtney about how David and I were going to be homeless forever, she decided that we should get out and go for a quick hike before she had to go to her next job. So we went on a really easy 5 mile loop hike that was close by, because as we all know, I possess toothpick legs.

We had a nice time with the dogs - Lily was amazed to discover the world isn't flat after all - and it was pretty easy-going. Court pointed out this fruit called strawberry guava that was growing wild along the trail, and since it was about to go out of season for another year it became my little game of hide-and-seek on the trail. We'd be going along, and suddenly Court would realize she was all alone bc I had seen a patch of red and climbed a tree to get them. It was fun.

Bear was upset that she couldn't follow.

We're kind of goofy.

All was going fine until, with my infinite grace, I managed to twist my ankle pretty good a mile away from the end of the trail. Those who know me well are probably not surprised.

THIS was a bit difficult to get over on one leg.

Anyway, Courtney, (very quietly) started to freak out, bc she was now going to be late for work, which prompted her to insist on carrying me on her back for some of the way back. She was DETERMINED. We eventually gimped out of there, and Court made it to work on time. So much for a nice, stress-free time! Oh well, it was still good to be out.

1 comment:

Auntie Colleen said...

Tiff, this is your Auntie Colleen. You just don't know how much joy I am feeling for you and David. I'm so happy the four of you + 2 are able to enjoy paradise. Suck it all in there is time a plenty to have babies. Your youth is brief, time for babies - the thirties if you want to be responsible- if not explore the big blue marble. I wish Courtney, Paul David and yourself a Merry Christmas and God's blessing in the New Year.