Thursday, August 04, 2011

Cottonwood Art Festival Makes Me Feel Like I'm Five Years Old

In April(?) 2011.....

We have a great park located kind of close to us. It is a bit annoying, because it's beautiful and I enjoy visiting, but it's not quite far enough away to drive and not feel like a tool.

But it's a long walk

It takes around 2 months for me to forget how much I dislike walking several miles in my neighborhood before I think about what a good idea it would be to go to the park with the dogs.

In this particular instance, we walked down to Cottonwood for the annual art fair. I was expecting more of a local (read: lame) flavor, with grandma's quilts and Aunt Dorthea Jean's homemade jewelry. I was pleasantly surprised to see exhibit after exhibit with first-class art work, photography, and sculpture. It was crazy, and most people came in from out of state. Apparently this festival is kind of a big deal.

David walking among the tents

I don't really have any pictures, because artists get downright feisty if you approach their stuff with a camera. But we had a really great time, and I look forward to inviting people to go with us next year.

Resting by the pond

And now, a dumb photo montage:

Normal. Not scaring passerby Dogs cocking their heads to the side, as they are wont to do Me, thinking it would be funny, cocking my head to the side to imitate the dogs. Of course, they quit doing it, so I just look like I am mentally handicapped.

I had to distance myself from the situation.

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